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Confidence, compassion, and care for your most beautiful beginning.


Every Family Deserves a Great Start


The birth of a baby represents a profound and lasting life change for parents and family members.  Perhaps you’ve given great thought to your “ideal” birth or perhaps you’re just trying to absorb all the input swirling around you.  Wherever you are on your journey through parenthood, we belief in your strength and capability and support you in your choices without bias or judgement.  

Boundless Beginning Doula Services is grounded in the belief that all women and partners deserve an empowered, knowledgeable and supported birth and postpartum experience.  We offer birth and postpartum doula services professionally trained to provide you evidence-based informational, physical and emotional support when you need it most.


Doula [doo-luh]   |   A trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother and her partner before, during and shortly after childbirth to help achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.



Doulas are:

• Unbiased, non-judgmental, evidence-based allies
• Keepers of your space, your goals and values
• Practical, comforting and empowering in the moment
• Surrounding you with care, empathy and respect


“Why a Doula?”

Consider the evidence comparing usual care during birth with that of birth where care was combined with continuous labor support of a doula. Doula-supported women are:

• Less likely to have a Cesarean section
• Less likely to use synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) to speed up labor
• Less likely to use any pain medication
• More likely to have a spontaneous vaginal birth
• Less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively

A doula provides unique positive aids to your emotional-well-being, comfort and confidence during birth and beyond, contributing to improved outcomes!

Click here to view the benefits of birth and postpartum doulas from DONA International. 


“Birth is not only about making babies.  Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
- Barbara Katz Rothman, PhD



Memories of the birth experience last a lifetime and have powerful effects on the physical and mental health of the mother, baby and family. Our goal is to help you have a positive birth experience as you and your partner define it.  We’re highly trained in the birth process and will provide continuous support to help you trust in your body and in your birth.



After long months of pregnancy and the stresses of childbirth, your family is born or enlarged. For new parents, the challenges can be numerous: recovery, responsibility, sleeplessness, organization, adjustment, etc.  Sometimes you need more help at home than you expected. Our postpartum doula service offers education, practical assistance and non-judgmental care during the dynamic fourth trimester following birth.